Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A hiatus!

Oh it has been awhile since I've been able to post!

For now a quick note: The show, How To Eat Like a Child opens next week! The production is Thursday at 230 and 6pm, then Friday at 7pm.
The kids (and adults) have been working so hard to do justice to the show, and after tonight's rehearsal, I think we will do just that!
The perfect test? An early preview Monday at 6pm! We will be performing for the Superintendent and about 50 or so members of the Irving Advisory Group. The Musical Director, Greg Allen, and I are presenting 1 scene and 2 musical numbers: How To Eat Like A Child, Sayonara, and I'm thinking I'll do the "How to Ride in a Car."
Wish us all "Break a Leg!!!"