Sunday, February 7, 2010

After the play, before materinty leave, and a crossroads!

Sometimes I feel like I spend a lot of time at school focusing on the NEXT BIG THING. In past years, it has been things like: a show opening, a cool field trip, MCAS, week long vacations, and the end of a term. This year will be different, as I am the ONLY person gearing up for what I have my sights on: March 19th.
March 19th will be my last day of work this school year. I wish it weren't, as I feel like I'm really getting the hang of being a homeroom teacher and teaching ELA. Although it is 6 weeks away I feel like that time will pass quickly!
Of course I am excited for WHY I am leaving. And apprehensive, and scared, and even a bit ambivalent. But aren't we always filled with so many emotions for that which is unknown to us?
So I have this NBT coming up March 19th and there is so much left to do. With the play I need to get the yearbook page ready for Ms. Pick and have a cast party. With ELA we need to finish our essays on Scorpions, do MCAS prep, get into some poetry, and start Word Generation!

On top of all that, I am at a crossroads once again in my career. The Principal is opening another theatre arts position. Which he would like me to take over starting next year. There are so many opportunities that come with the position that it is hard to even think about staying in ELA!
However, I am reticent to go back to theatre arts. First, because I AM enjoying ELA. I enjoy my coworkers, my collaborators, the bonds I've formed with the teachers in my cluster. I also am grateful for the relationships I've formed with my students; relationships that are so much deeper than I formed with my Theatre Arts students. Those are things that I definitely lacked in my previous position as Theatre Arts teacher. Although, I did have a close bond with the PE teacher, Ms. Griffin, I didn't eat lunch with her daily---it wasn't something I simply fell into (so nicely) as I have with my 7th grade team. My major reason for wanting to stay in ELA is so completely selfish, though. I would like another chance to find out if I'm any good at it! This year I spent so much time learning the curriculum, creating my classroom expectations (ELA and TA classrooms run SO differently!), and creating a high level of expectation for my students and making those expectations clear to myself AND to my students. It would be lovely if I could work in ELA for another couple of years at least to learn more about my abilities and capabilities as an ELA teacher.
Theatre Arts does lend itself to the many things I enjoy about teaching, though! Certainly I get to see students in ways their ELA teachers NEVER do!
With all that in mind, I talked to my union rep from the BTU (Caren Carew) this week about my options. My concern is this: what is safest for me in the long run, to remain in ELA or move back to Theatre Arts? Although I am permanent, BPS is still making cuts to permanent teachers, and as the Superintendent's letter to us said last week, SY 2012 isn't looking any better. Therefore, I've been advised by the BTU to stay in ELA, as there are teachers with less seniority in ELA positions than in Theatre Arts. In fact, I am the least permanent teacher in the Performing Arts in Boston.
Never did I think I would have to deal with the pink slip again!
So, it sounds like to have job security ELA is the way.
the way.
the way.
ELA is the way.