Thursday, February 26, 2009


When a student says "no, I won't perform" what should I, as a teacher, do?

Normally, I give them a warning, telling them if they don't, they'll get an F on their test grade (as all performances are test grades in my class) and a call home letting their parents know they decided to take an F on a test.

Is there something else I should be doing? Some compromise?

I know there are kids who are truly frightened to get up on stage, but that's what we DO in theatre arts!

Aren't I supposed to hold every child to the same standards?

Well, I have to run...have some parents to call...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Currently, in all Theatre Arts classes we are working on speeches.

The 7th and 8th grades are doing a great job working on their Interview speech, and all students are expected to come in today with their rough draft written.

The 6th grade lost a day yesterday since we performed our play for the 5th grade from the Sumner, but we'll get back on track today with our All About Me Star and write our rough draft today!

First day on the blog

I am happy to have this opportunity to share with the world the Washington Irving Theatre Arts class and its Drama Club.

This is my 3rd year at the Irving, 4th year teaching and first year that I really feel like I have my act together!

I will share what's going on here in the classroom but also exciting things going on in the Drama Club and things middle schoolers can do to stay involved in the arts!

On that note, we have a production going up tomorrow and Friday:
A Simple Task by Alan Haehnel
Times are at 2:30 and 6pm Thurs. and 6pm Friday.
Tickets are $3 students/ $5 adults/ and $20 for a family pack of up to 6 people.

105 Cummins Hwy
Roslindale, MA

After the show is over I'm taking a brief hiatus from after school activities but hope to put on a Talent Show at the end of the year!

The biggest news will be how many of my talented students get into Boston Arts Academy. March 20th the letters will be mailed!