Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Work will be nothing if not interesting this year---new principal and big changes afoot. Some changes include: uniforms for kids, a new "in school suspension" room, and random search and seizures of students who bring food into the school. You wouldn't believe what an epidemic the junk food is in our school!
I feel like all of these changes are steps in the right direction to providing our students with a positive and challenging learning environment. was revealed in a meeting of teachers today that Mr. Unobskey does not want us "teaching to the MCAS." WHAT?!?! Is that even possible for us to do? We have been so conditioned to teach to the test. Good news for both teachers and students.
Meanwhile, there are many changes in my own little classroom. I'll be teaching ELA for the first time as a teacher (this is my FIFTH year!!!), and the new theatre arts teacher may want to be involved in the drama club. The Principal, Mr. Unobskey, has requested we do a December touring show to the area elementary schools too. That will definitely be a new challenge.
Is the Irving being ushered into a new era? That is still to be determined. But I'll keep you updated!